Self-Starters Weekly Tips
November 4th, 2002
New Subscribers & Faithful Readers ~ I hope you’ve enjoyed
the last couple of Issues… Feedback is always welcomed! The
countdown is on… NOW is the time to get in on those Holiday
Sales if you’re going to! As always… Happy Monday ;-)
Who’s Reading SSWT? Send in your
Joint Venture – Excellent Marketing Idea
So You’re at the End of your Rope,
tips from past issues online at (updated!):
1) Who’s
Reading SSWT? Send in your Site!
up, Everyone! Send in your website address
to be included on the “Who’s Reading Self-Starters Weekly
Tips” page, which will be
added to the SSWT Archives located at http://www.selfstartersweeklytips.com
! Feel free to include a comment about why you subscribe or what
you like best about SSWT, along with your name and link as you would
like for it to appear. This is free exposure for you, so send them
in quick – they will be listed in the order in which they
are received, and featured in a future issue of SSWT.
2) Joint
Venture – Excellent Marketing Idea
is a Joint Venture? Basically it is where two (or more) businesses
agree to an arrangement for cross-promotion. I’ll show you
some examples, and share some resources with you… but first
you’ll need to ask yourself these questions:
do I have to offer?
Think of this in terms of a bartering arrangement… Do you
have ad space on your website or in your newsletter? Products or
Services? Articles, Product Reviews or Testimonials?
is my Target Market?
is extremely important – you want to gain the interest of
the people that are most likely to purchase your products/services,
subscribe to your newsletter, etc. If you are promoting Tupperware,
consider Recipe Swap sites, Cooking sites, and other similar groups.
do I want to promote?
on exactly what you want to promote in your business… Is it
a particular product that is on sale? Subscription to your newsletter?
Recruits? Site Traffic? Consider what would be most beneficial,
or jot down several options, and then work on ads or articles that
are compelling and relative to this objective.
is one of the BEST Marketing Tactics I have ever used to earn targeted
traffic! Below are some examples for you to consider:
Simple Link Exchanges are good, but exchanging content is
even better! Going back to the Tupperware example, lets
say you found a Recipe Swap website… You could offer to add
a new section to your website featuring the “recipe of the
month” and linking back to that web site – and in exchange,
you could write an article each month on ‘time-saving cooking’
or something similar to be added to that new section on her website,
which would link back to yours. Both site owners would benefit from
the additional content they are offering their visitors… and
from the cross promotion from each other’s visitors. Consider
how this might work in your business,
and what type of joint venture you may want to seek!
Do you offer a service? As a webmaster, I have been known
to trade my design services for ad space on a site that catered
to my target market. For example, I might design the logo or banner
ads for a site owner in exchange for a featured spot in their newsletter
or on their website. Consider what you have to offer… and
what you want – and strike a deal! Sometimes the results far
outweigh what you would have charged for your service to begin with…
Newsletters or Ezines are another
good way to start a Joint Venture – you can swap spots with
a publisher that caters to the same target market, but isn’t
competitive to your own business (similar to the Tupperware example
above). Not only can you swap “ad spots” – you
can swap article or column space… become each others “contributing
editor”. Even if you don’t have your own newsletter,
many publishers will accept your articles and content simply because
it is beneficial to their readers… and they will include your
byline (generally up to four lines including your website address).
This is an excellent way to buy quality advertising
by spending your time instead of your money!
Strategies of Co-operation by John Child
and David Faulkner.
Strategic alliances are increasingly common, as many organizations
look toward various partnering arrangements. This book is a clear
and comprehensive survey by two experienced authors with extensive
knowledge of alliances in Europe, Asia, and
America. They
present different disciplinary perspectives (economics, strategy,
organization theory), and offer numerous examples from the corporate
Building Strategic Relationships : How to Extend Your
Organization's Reach Through Partnerships, Alliances, and Joint
Ventures by Juli
Betwee, David Meuel,
William H. Bergquist, David Memel
This book shows how successful alliances are launched, developed,
and concluded. The authors draw from more than 200 interviews and
75 case studies of varied partnerships to provide perspective, guidance,
and detailed case examples that will help progressive partners achieve
their goals in all phases of partnership. A thorough,
well researched collection of case studies and best practices.
Makes the case for why and how strategic, cross boundary relationships
are the new models for doing business in today's marketplace.
of Interest:
may find several good resources for possible bartering and/or Joint
Ventures here:
3) So
You’re at the End of your Rope, Huh?
If you are exasperated,
or “at the end of your rope”… consider this: At least you still have
something to hang on to!
Life can be tough, no doubt about it… and being a small business
owner definitely has its share of difficult phases. As a “work
at home mother”, I’ve always said that while my career
is not “glamorous”… it is well worth
the time, energy, sweat and tears that I have put into it!
You’ve heard
the statistics… “research has documented that close
to 60% of new businesses fail in the first 5 years” etc etc
etc – and perhaps you have someone
in your life that reminds you
of these annoying details on a regular basis, and maybe –
just maybe – this really starts to get to you during the difficult
Too Shall Pass”
This is my absolute favorite saying! I mumbled it to myself when
my son had colic, when I’ve been sick, when times were tough…
Keep this one in your pocket and remember that life comes in phases
and each one has its trials and its rewards.
If you are struggling
with your lifestyle, sit down for a minute and consider your options.
What is your biggest stressor in life… and what can you do
to eliminate it altogether? You may not be able to make it go away
today – but put a plan in action and take small steps towards
your goals!
If you haven’t
yet read my brief personal story on starting my first home business,
take a moment to read it by clicking here: http://www.webservicenetwork.com/lynn.htm
Sometimes all it takes
is a little re-organization to get things rolling in the right direction
;) I highly recommend http://www.bplans.com/ for sample business plans,
business planning information, marketing plans and more. No matter
how long you have been in business, structure and goal-planning
deserve some attention!
For a Personal Life
& Business Coach, I highly recommend Calissa
Leigh of Do
What You Love . You can subscribe to her free newsletter by
clicking here.
A personal favorite
of mine is Christian Speaker, Joyce Meyer – and I just found
out that she offers Online Broadcast of her shows through her website!
See: http://www.joycemeyer.org/cgi-bin/msc.cgi?pagegroup=tvonline
. I feel sure you will enjoy her topics as much as I have over the
is my personal mission to bring you an assortment of resources for
your internet business each week in an easy-to-use format. Most
of the resources found in each issue are a result of years of research
that I have done for my own internet business and others, and are
shared with you with my positive recommendation. You can view tips
from past issues online at http://www.selfstartersweeklytips.com.
As always, feel free to share this issue with your friends or colleagues!
Terry, Editor & Owner
Web Service Network
Personal Home Business Testimonial:
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